Monday, November 7, 2011

I couldn't find the table I wanted...

So I made it!

I am doing some interior design contract work right now and have a client with a tight budget. My partner and I were looking for a long thin table to go behind their couch. With heights, colors, lengths, and prices to consider we just couldn't come up with what we wanted.

This vertical half door was raw wood and only $10 at an Architectural Reclaim Store. J called me and asked if I wanted it. With correct dimensions, it eventually would become our elusive table!

                             The raw wood door.                                  The raw wood table legs.

The table legs I wanted were not available in the store and, because of time constraints, I had to settle for these sleek and simple square legs instead. It ended up working out well as you will see in the pictures. As Tim Gun says, "Make it work!"


I stained the top and bottom with Ebony wood stain. I spray painted the table legs gloss black and the horizontal wood details gloss black as well. 

I then added silver brads (or upholstery tacks) to the front and sides for a little fun detail.

1 comment:

  1. This looks amazing, Sarah! You are doing some really cool stuff.
